How We're Responding to COVID-19

The All Access EKY team shares the growing concern about the global coronavirus pandemic. We recognize that health and safety are everyone’s top concern right now. Unfortunately, we also know that a pandemic like this one can have serious implications for reproductive health specifically. In response to this public health emergency, we want to ensure that you are as safe and prepared as possible during this time. Health authorities recommend checking to make sure that you have  any needed prescription drugs or other essential health care supplies on hand, in the event that you have to stay home for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, we know that obtaining an extended supply of contraception may be unrealistic due to lack of clinical access, time limits for reordering, and/or affordability. If you don’t have regular access to contraception or are having difficulty accessing it given the current health situation, we want to remind you that you may be eligible for up to a year’s supply of free birth control through BCBenefits, a program of our national partner, Power to Decide. The program even offers a telehealth option with no in-person visit, and your birth control can be delivered to you in the mail. If you are in need of condoms or emergency contraception, please send a private message to our AAEKY Facebook or Instagram account and we will do everything we can to get it to you. The AAEKY team is here to support your access to birth control during  this time of uncertainty, and every day beyond it.

Visit the AAEKY webpage to see if you qualify:
